Monday, March 5, 2007

Happy Holi?

People across the country celebrated this 'Holi' festival thing yesterday. In college, Holi is basically that time of the year when people frolick around in their knickerbockers, throw coloured powder and water, and indulge in more questionable behaviour with anything that moves.
If you happen to be dressed in anything more, it'll be ripped right off, so ensure you have underwear on. Yes, there're people who came unprepared. So, at the end of it, you're wet, have one less pair of undies, and you'll look like you've just walked out of a radioactive disposal facility. The colour takes a lot of bathing to get rid of. So, Hostel 9 folk finish their annual quota of water spent on bathing in the one week after Holi.
It's fun, I've been told.
From 12pm, Sunday night, I started getting smses saying 'Wish you and your family a very Happy Holi'. Now, what in holy name of crap is that supposed to mean?! Is that like happy new year or happy birthday? I even got a few belated happy holis today. I've also been wished a Happy Onam and Happy Id at times.
Hmm. Tomorrow, let's celebrate Happy Tuesday!
No, wait. We're gettin midsem papers, so these aren't really happy days.


Vipul Nanda said...

This 'Holi' thing?

Bitch, I think I understand how you'd feel last year. But this year, I had the unique privilege of escorting around 8 foreign girls who had never played Holi.

It was so amazing for them to watch people throw balloons from the rooftops of houses to douse them in water. Just as it was becoming a really cool wet T-shirt contest, one of them said something that REALLY struck me.

She said "They need an excuse to have this much fun?". Fuckin' profound. So many people like this damn festival. Yet, they insist on doing it only once a year.

I say, do it every day. And give me those foreign chicks every time. :-)

Firestarter said...

So do we take the hint that we are not supposed to wish you on any day except on your birthday and on January 1 ? :P

Sushil Subramanian said...
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Rahul Dash said...

HOLIstic Horror Hinders (w)Holesome Holiday.

Hah !

Sushil Subramanian said...
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Sushil Subramanian said...

Personally, I dont find any pleasure in throwing colours at each other to have fun... but its great fun to watch everyone happy once in a while. Worst part, I got attacked, but luckily I go out of my room without a shirt...
Great start to your blog!

Tarun Kasuganti said...

i dont see a mention of mud anywhere...
you clearly were not told!

ViVo said...

yey, nice start to your blog. holi festival 'thing' eh?
and why are you deleting comments bitch.

psychoblah said...

hmm.. i'm not deleting em; the author dude is deleting em?

wanderer diaries said...

Nice thing to rite ur first blog abt!!
between u haven't shared any of ur personal experience of holi,any prank or something:P

psychoblah said...

haha, no. i jus fled from college. this fest frightens me :)

Gautam said...

dude, u forgot those who come overprepared.. with oil all over their body and hair. and what abt the bhang bash??

Rahul Roy said...

Back-stabbing bastard
Absolute godmaxgiri

ecstacy induced ramblings said...

You backstabbing bastard. Let everyone know your betrayal in the next post X-(.

Kalleda05 said...

Hey you - you should update more often