People across the country celebrated this 'Holi' festival thing yesterday. In college, Holi is basically that time of the year when people frolick around in their knickerbockers, throw coloured powder and water, and indulge in more questionable behaviour with anything that moves.
If you happen to be dressed in anything more, it'll be ripped right off, so ensure you have underwear on. Yes, there're people who came unprepared. So, at the end of it, you're wet, have one less pair of undies, and you'll look like you've just walked out of a radioactive disposal facility. The colour takes a lot of bathing to get rid of. So, Hostel 9 folk finish their annual quota of water spent on bathing in the one week after Holi.
It's fun, I've been told.
From 12pm, Sunday night, I started getting smses saying 'Wish you and your family a very Happy Holi'. Now, what in holy name of crap is that supposed to mean?! Is that like happy new year or happy birthday? I even got a few belated happy holis today. I've also been wished a Happy Onam and Happy Id at times.
Hmm. Tomorrow, let's celebrate Happy Tuesday!
No, wait. We're gettin midsem papers, so these aren't really happy days.
If you happen to be dressed in anything more, it'll be ripped right off, so ensure you have underwear on. Yes, there're people who came unprepared. So, at the end of it, you're wet, have one less pair of undies, and you'll look like you've just walked out of a radioactive disposal facility. The colour takes a lot of bathing to get rid of. So, Hostel 9 folk finish their annual quota of water spent on bathing in the one week after Holi.
It's fun, I've been told.
From 12pm, Sunday night, I started getting smses saying 'Wish you and your family a very Happy Holi'. Now, what in holy name of crap is that supposed to mean?! Is that like happy new year or happy birthday? I even got a few belated happy holis today. I've also been wished a Happy Onam and Happy Id at times.
Hmm. Tomorrow, let's celebrate Happy Tuesday!
No, wait. We're gettin midsem papers, so these aren't really happy days.